The plans
Building a new home
for SSDRC, Nepal
In late 2017, SSDRC fulfilled a long-held dream and bought the land which will play host to their first permanent home. The site, 10km further outside the city, will offer a larger area, a safer, modern school building and far superior facilities, allowing more students to enroll. Moreover, built on land owned by SSDRC for the first time, rather than merely rented, the new home helps guarantee the school’s future for years to come.
But now, the hard work is only just beginning. The 500sqm area of land – pictured above – cost a US$80,000 – a sum predominantly covered by a US$60,000 bank loan, and drained all the school’s available funds.
Plans are in place to now build the school you see below – a monumental improvement on the ramshackle, six-room structure the school is currently based in – but the project can only achieve completion following a significant amount of charitable donations, desperately required both to begin building on the land, and to pay off the mounting bank debts.
We’ve calculated with roughly $4,500 (GB£3,250) we can pay for the land and building of one of the school’s six new classrooms – and so we have set the goal of building two as our initial fundraising target. However, in this case the adage is most definitely true that every, little, helps.